19 October 2006

Saying ‘Happy Deepavali’ is not wrong

Another ridiculous issue heated by the radical Muslims.


As much as I enjoy bicth-slapping debating with heartsong in kexiou’s blog page, suddenly I felt an urge to understand how religious people from other religion think about marriage and pre-marital sex. Thus I spent sometime digging out religious information over the blogsphere to reinforce my knowledge on these issues.

I hate to be a loser you know? Heh..

Culture is a very interest thing to explore and to understand, but do that means if I explore others religion and practice just a tiniee-winee-bit of it, makes me less a freethinker?

In my humblest opinion, I DON’T THINK SO!

All this shit started when I accidentally I bumped into a blog page titled “Deepavali greetings can cause syirik (blasphemy, or more commonly known as Haram in malay)" to muslims who wishes it.

What the fork?!! Curiosity urge me to read further on the writing, and the links attached too.

After some time tracking the source, the issue was started by the Syariah Department in Takaful Malaysia who issued an internal memo circulated amongst the staffs stating that wishing "Happy Deepavali" to Hindus is haram (forbidden).

** By the time I get this entry posted, Takaful has officially released an apology statement. Here

As for the reason why they shouldn't be wishing, here is the shortened version:

    “As a Muslim, you have the duty to uphold and spread Islam, and bring others to this religion. By wishing someone happy celebrating their festival, what does that mean? Are you accepting their religion, therefore implying that what they do (celebrating and practising their religion) is right? Don't get me wrong: even Islam recognises that there are other religions apart from Islam. However, Islam also teaches the Muslim how they are different, and why Islam is the chosen religion by Allah swt.”

For in depth information on the reasons, please do refer to the links above, I am not going to elaborate anymore. I felt more and more retard for just explaining more.

Excuse me, my dear radical Muslims,

I don’t really care actually. Really.

Whether you are wishing or not, it’s doesn’t matter anyway. I believe that our Hindus friends will never ask for your wishes too, if you are so selfishly and egoistically thinks that just by wishing others race from other religion happy festive based on goodwill will caused you lose marks in your Islamic score-sheet.

I really don't fucking care.

BUT THEN! When you blasted those liberal Muslims, who is clearly not agreed with your radical thoughts, who want to kongsi raya with the Hindus, with these kind of strong and serious accuse; now that is something I couldn’t tolerate with..

“...their heresy is kufr and truly, they are the misguided ones. They will worship all kinds of gods.”

Hello my dear radical Muslims, *knock knock* are you conscious of what you accusing?

I seriously suggest that you reconsider what you said, because you are hurting those who are serving the same God as you are. And by all means, I won’t say you are the misguided one like you did, because I understand that your Holy Book can be interpreted in various perspectives; nobody is 100% proven right, as nobody has actually see God. Do you?

Saying ‘happy deepavali’ is not wrong. Islam has no wrong.

Something wrong is with you.

Add on:


kexiou said...

This is the thing when we talk about religions. The faulty ones are always those who constantly trying to make fool of themselves without them realising. These are the people who claim how great their devotion to their religion is when the fact is they are letting the religion down! "Blinded devotee" is what I coudl refer them as. They don't know the true teachings of their religions but merely acting aggressive when trying to "protect" the religion itself - which result in adverse effect.

Another matter to bring up here...

Islam vs. Christian - How long has this been going? The God above must be fed up for all these nonsense that His people have been creating. Religion is peace. PEACE u know! But what are those wars for? Started by brainless people and the whole world suffered.


eddie said...

Just to give you another perspective.

Let’s say God’s not exist and the so-called Prophets are just normal philosophers who borrow the image of God to strengthening their teachings, I may concluded that religion is just mere a tool to archive their personal goal.

Certain religion might exist for the aim of PEACE.
Certain religion might exist for the aim of DESTURCTION.

However, one thing for sure: Religion did exist for a purpose. It conquers your mind. The very strong evidence for it exists in every religion, that is:
1. You shall not question the existence of God.
2. You shall not question the truthfulness of the Prophets.

Whether it’s for good intention or bad intention, it’s very hard to tell.

As nobody ever made a 3-days-trip to Heaven and come back and tell us what he see, religion is just an unproven hypothesis.

For unproven hypothesis, my theory should be given the benefit of doubt.

kexiou said...

Well, that's coz u believe that science could prove anythg n everythg... for things that cannot be proven, doubt seems to be the safest way... I guess that's y u r a free thinker..

and for "borrowin the image of god...mere a tool..."... u mean they were tryin to lie?

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