04 July 2006

Tuesday Again?

It's Tuesday again. As usual I will have a 3pm 2-hour-time-wasting class with Mr. Shum, and on top of that 3-hour-freaking-fustrating traffic jam on the road.

“Raymond, drive to college la! Dam you, got car don’t drive to college.. You are one hell of a pathetic guy!”

Raymond is my college mate who enjoy taking bus and LRT. Weird huh? To make things even worse, he’s always late to class, sweating hell a lot like he jogs to make it there. Perhaps he never take transport. He walks, who knows? Transport-fobia?

Raymond, i hate you. You are odd, you always odd.. you.. you.. don't SHARE OF YOUR PASSANGER SEAT to me. I----H-A-T-E----Y-O-U!!!!

Ooohhh.. what the hell!

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