Officially leaving the school on 17th November.

Today I hang at school office to finish up those paper work which the headmaster asked last minute in the teachers’ meeting. Sasaran Prestasi Pelajar. Geez, those nonsense teacher’s teaching plans.
Basically it’s a teaching concept that separates the students into Pelajar Cemerlang, Pelajar Sederhana and Pelajar Lemah. Then we have to set the target to covert the students to better category, reevaluate it after every exam and stat down the successfulness of your teachings. Best thing is, you have to stat down the reason why it success or fail.
If you ask me, it’s a good idea actually. But to ask the teachers to do it two days before the school holiday, it already lose its initial point essentially. This is something I would tell in my blog or if someone ask me directly in the face. I’m a temporary teacher anyway.
It’s just a pile of pointless paper work.
“Nampaknya sasaran kita su-dah-lah tersasar...” We rant on it light-heartedly.

I interact with the fellow teachers there more this two days, especially today. They come to school to settle the unsettled job to end the school’s 2nd semester, before they can fully enjoy the school holiday ahead. However for me, I end up my job to leave the school.

After two weeks spending my days in the school, I found that primary teacher is slightly different from what I think they are. At first, I thought that teachers are saints that would bug you with lotsa conservative rules and philosophy. But in fact, they are no different with other humans, just slightly more talkative, friendly, polite, self-contented and yes.. childish.
Childish as in having younger thoughts.

I have worked in various areas of career, but this is first time I have worked in such a pleasurable environment. The reason is simple: Everyone is contributing willingly to the school.
Just a question that I couldn’t comprehend: Teachers are just simply a bunch of cheap professional labors. Why I said so? You see, every profession which salary is below RM 2k is considered as cheap labors. Teachers who teach for 18 years as a ketua panitia is paid RM 1.8k. Not Cheap professional labors is what ah?
18 years of work paid RM1.8k, geez.
I say, if the school office turns into a departmental store, then the teacher would be the best knowledgeable sales person offering the friendliest and best quality service to its customer, at the same time doing clerical job and customer service for the company.
One phrase to describe – one leg kicking.
Really, teachers are underrated. The only reason to stay is they love the job.

There is a phrase where it’s habitually used by the teachers when they are doing something. It doesn’t take me long time to figure where it’s come from – the Penolong Kanan’s room.
Tenangkan fikiran.
Calm your mind.
There is a deep philosophy behind it.

A beautiful quote: Speak less is better than speak more; speak nicely is better than speak less.
Turns out to be pointless if translated into English :P

Officially left the school on 3:30pm.
Wherever I go, I know will be missing those children's voice.
"Lao shi.. See.. He pull my hair!"
"Lao shi.. She hit me first de!"




I will be back.
Take care.