As I promised I will post my review on few of the campus. Multimedia University is the first to go. It’s getting too long and I going to cut it into 2 parts so that it won’t bored you guys till death, and in the same time, I can get my well-deserved rest. I got better things to do rather than blogging the whole day ya know’
I had traveled to MMU on the 20th September, early in the morning. I’m not sure the exact route getting myself there by then. The morning I woke up, turn on my computer, log on to, take a photo of this, and then off I go.

Actually, I didn’t plan anything else beside than waking up early. I started the journey on 0915.
I arrived at Bank Negara KTM station around 1045 and something caught my attention along the interchange bridge between Star LRT and KTM.
Read this:

Wow scary! It makes me think twice or perhaps trice before passing the bridge. Don’t get me wrong. I am expanding my creativity in my mind.
Here is my best try:
“To all petty little scumbag planning to do crimes through or using this bridge at any time of the day or night, do so at your own risk.
The installation of CCTV on this bridge will surely caught your stupid face while you snatching away innocent folk’s handbags or hand phones, so pray that you won’t get famous appearing in mass media the next day. Bank Negara Malaysia, its affiliates, employees or agents is committed to protect the safety of the public in any manner whatsoever for any loss or injury to property, body or life of any person using this bridge. Commit the crime jackass. The next thing you will realize is gotten busted and spending some quality time being locked up in the nearest jail.”
Hmm.. isn’t this sounds better? Now they get positive image in public in the same time making used of CCTV they installed. It’s funny how a big organization like Bank Negara would be chickened away by such a light crime. We fight crime, we don't escape from it.
I’m sooooooooooo scared. God help me!

I boarded at Serdang station around 1135 after exchanging few public transports and walking around at the places that interest me. Serdang is a much more traffic-friendly place after the roads has revamped. The last time I went to The Mines, traffic is so congested until only one or two cars able to drive through the road. Those times has passed, my goodness.
What I like about Rapid KL (formally known as CityLiner and Intrakota) is their friendly and laid-back bus driver. Occasionally when I travel around KL, especially those intra-cites buses, I met with nice and well-mannered bus driver, and they are more than helpful to talk with you and give you some advice on your journey. And the best part is, no extra service charges!
I reinvent the conversation from what I remembered.
E: Bang, pergi cyberjaya tak?
B: Pergi.. lu nak pergi mana?
E: MMU. Bas ini dulu 868 kan?
B: Ya, sekarang bas baru dah tukar kepada T42. Sama saja. Nanti u tukar bas lagi, 429.
E: Okay, terima kasih ya..
(I sit at the first row of the seats on the left. The bus is resting at the station waiting for more passengers. My right side is an Indian girl traveling to Lim Kok Weng College.)
(The bus driver is a young malay adult around age of 25 or more. He gets of the seat and checked on the passengers in his bus. I represent the Indian girl as ‘I’.)
B: U pergi study ke? Study kat mana?
I : Lim Kok Weng.
B: Oh nanti u tukar bas lagi lah? Itu bus xxx. U study apa? (I cant remember the bus number)
I: Business.
B: Aiyoh.. Business tak boleh oh. (shaking his head lightly)
B: Dulu saya pun study business. Susah nak cari kerja. Tengok, sekarang pun pandu bas saja.
I: :)(speechless... )
B: Sudah lama dah I pandu. Sekarang masih pergi Uni juga tiap tiap hari, tapi tak masuk belajar lah.
I: :D
E: :D Lalu saja lah?
B: (Looking at me) Ialah.
B: U macam mana? Pergi MMU ke? Tak macam pergi belajar pun.
E: Belum belajar lagi. Pergi sana tengok course dulu.
B: Yaaake? (grin)
B: Atau pergi sana tengok ah moi?
E: Tengok juga lah.. (grin)
B: Ok la dah lama tunggu, boleh jalan dah.
The bus start moving together with well-satisfied passengers :) It’s always a pleasure to travel with Rapid KL shuttle buses.
Oh gosh, I need to exchange bus one more time. It’s already 1215!

I have a lot photo to share. So to cut it short, these are the scene I came across during the journey.

Tada! At last I reached the main entrance of MMU at 1230. It’s had been a long-and-exhaustive-3 hours journey, and before I step inside the campus, I started questioning myself why the heck I spend such a long time to a campus I not going to study. Nothing better to do arhhh?
Alright, I admit I got nothing better to do, really.
But wait. I encounter some interesting security guards on duty. I walk by slowly and watch how they perform their job.
The security awareness of the campus is tune to the highest knob. With 2 motorbikes and one Perodua Kancil car on the patrol every 2-3 hours, this place is even safer than the US embassy. At least no wacko will crazy enough till’ carry bombs into the campus. The Americans is not here, ya know’
The security guards will stop your vehicle and check every possible space that could carry a hostage, rather than checking your hair whether it’s longer or more colorful than theirs. Like hell it’s their mother’s business.
Here is very different than some local university that promotes stupidity, really.
Aikks? Here is the DR M who still thinks he is the prime minister. Old folks always forgetful you know.

If you think we are still outside of the campus, you are totally wrong. Welcome to MMU.

Here is the Executive Apartment. Judging by the name I not sure whether it’s the hostel for lecturers and staffs, or it’s just a better version of hostel for students. I changed my mind quickly after a hot lady with perfect body shape like J.LO passed by.
Oh gosh, her boobs are bouncing all over my mind.
The second thing I remember was
I wake up in General Hospital and she already passed by and I couldn’t get a photo of her. Arrhh never mind, my heart will go on~
She couldn’t be a lecturer, could her?
Hello, Mister Human Resource. Can’t your parents give you a better name?

Here is the general office. Don’t be surprise of the size; this is where they manage five faculties of different courses.
Alright, here is the place I am looking for. I bang inside the door and yell for the student consultant, which I wouldn’t do. I asked politely, of course.

Ms Teo consulted me that day, and thank god she is a Chinese. I can flirt much better in Chinese. Wait, I mean communicate.
Ni hao bu yao lian oh, hua dou xie le hai keep zhe. Diu liao ta, wo song ni yi ge, hao ma?

This is what Ai Ling planned to study I guess. Good for her, have to study 4 more years! Hmm! :)
I am quite shock by the diversity of the courses available in each faculty. Let alone in Faculty of Creative Multimedia, there are 5 degree courses available:
Bachelor of Multimedia (Hons) Digital Media
Bachelor of Multimedia (Hons) Film and Animation
Bachelor of Multimedia (Hons) Media Innovation
Bachelor of Multimedia (Hons) Interface Design
Bachelor of Multimedia (Hons) Virtual Reality
Yeah, I think you are same as me. I am deadly confused.
If you planned to take up any of the degree courses above, you need to spend one more year in Foundation of Creative Multimedia, as stated in the brochure:
Minimum qualification to join Bachelor of Multimedia:
Pass MMU Foundation
At least 3 years Diploma in design and computer related courses and portfolio of design and computer works and full transcripts and resume.
How strict!
However, after some consideration, I really do think they need to set this standard. You think it is easy arrhh study designing course? Try to draw a picture of yourself, and don’t make yourself looks like a chimp wearing clothes.
It’s hard ya know’

This is what she recommends me. Judging by the looks of mine, she senses a high IQ in me so she said I can skip the whole foundation year.
Hah? What? I swear. I never lied. NEVER.
Click here to take a brief look on the courses offered.

Heck, it’s signed by
Bill Gates the world’s wealthiest man~! But they didn’t show the most important line stated the reason he signed it. Fishy..
There is a story which describes how rich Bill Gates is. It’s like this:
When Bill Gates is strolling down the street, if he accidentally dropped a one-hundred-dollar note, he doesn’t even bother to pick it up. Because by the time he bows down and picks up the note, he is able to make twice or more of the amount.
So, do you think he bothers to come all the way here to sign the board? His secretary, perhaps.
You can bride the anyone to sign for you, but you can’t bride Bill Gates you know!
(more on the facilities in MMU part 2…)